VEGA Beyond


Digte & Lyd

Digte & Lyd - an interdisciplinary concert project

Since 2015, Digte & Lyd has presented some of Denmark's most acclaimed musicians and writers. The project originated at VEGA and has been touring around Denmark since 2016.

We have created a completely new trend within literature and live music, resulting in surprisingly great attention and sold-out venues.

The result is a massive platform for new and established writers, generating significant publicity and inspiring musicians to collaborations and new directions.

We have experienced how wild, cool, present, and inspiring the literary scene can be, and we have repeatedly pinched ourselves over the magical moments that have occurred between writers, musicians, and the audience.

We have aimed to present both the very large Danish authors and the new outstanding talents, all in the company of exceptional Danish musicians.

We have had over 15 events including improvisational music from the singers in IKI in the company of Jørgen Leth, thundering rhythms from Søren Ulrik Thomsen and Det Glemte Kvarter, temporary classical drone music with Mike Sheridan in collaboration with Signe Gjessing, circling patterns from Cæcilie Triers cello and thunderous erotic-techno from Simon Forman alongside readings by Niels Hennings Falk Jensby.

Simon Littauer has delivered modular crackling in the company of author Olga Ravn and we have gained insight into Carl Emil Petersen (Ulige Numre)'s youthful, lyrical universe and socially critical songs from Bisse.

In addition, a number of outstanding readings by, among others, Helle Helle, Naja Marie Aidt, Henrik Nordbrandt, Caspar Eric and Leonora Christina Skov.

All specially curated for Digte & Lyd and delivered with incredible presence and intensity.