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Support: TVERA
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Indie indulgences from Divorce
Divorce have quickly found their place as indie darlings with English music media. The band has found inspiration in musical icons such as Big Thief, Tom Waits, Mitski and LCD Soundsystem. With that foundation, they have perfected the recipe for indie rock infused with Americana.
British band Divorce catapulted onto the music scene in 2022 with their explosive EP Get Mean. The following year they could follow up with the EP Heady Metal. The sequel delivers a more personal reflection of the band's members. With critical acclaim and increasing radio presence, Divorce have cemented themselves as an indie band worth keeping an eye on.
In no time, Divorce has established itself as a band that demonstrates exceptional musicianship and memorable live performances. In March 2025, we can look forward to the debut album Drive to Goldenhammer.
Support: TVERA
TVERA er et nordisk inspireret pop-projekt, med højt til loftet, tunge synth-flader og en varm omfavnende lyd. Det er et projekt skabt af kærligheden til det teatralske, bombastiske og upolerede, med tekster, der kredser om at skabe sig en plads i tilværelsen, finde styrke i sin egen sårbarhed og være perfekt uperfekt.
Bag TVERA står den dansk-islandske sanger og sangskriver Karen Billeskov Pétursdóttir, som med sin virtuose vokal tager dig i hånden, når du træder ind i hendes dream-poppede univers.
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